JRL NEWSWATCH: “Not partners, but on same page: Russia, West push Armenian-Azeri peace” – Christian Science Monitor/ Fred Weir

Map of Azerbaijan and Environs, adapted from image at cia.gov

“Even while starkly divided over the war in Ukraine, Russia and the West show hints of being able to find common ground on other issues of importance, as evidenced by an imminent Armenian-Azeri peace treaty.”

“A peace deal to end the bitter, three-decade-long conflict over the fate of the Armenian-populated enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh inside Azerbaijan appears almost within reach. … Armenia and Azerbaijan have been brought to the brink of accord by Western and Russian diplomacy – working in parallel, if not in sync. … [T]he agreement … hint[s] at still-existent areas of common ground between Russia and the West, even if the two are at odds over Ukraine. … The future of the Karabakh Armenians will probably be settled by evacuation to Armenia, most experts warn. Neither the West nor Russia seems prepared to press Baku on establishing autonomy for that beleaguered population, whose always-doubtful viability as an independent state has totally collapsed since Armenia’s defeat three years ago. The agreement … would open the region to economic development, including long-blockaded transport corridors, pipelines, and tourism. …”

Click here for: “Not partners, but on same page: Russia, West push Armenian-Azeri peace; Even while starkly divided over the war in Ukraine, Russia and the West show hints of being able to find common ground on other issues of importance, as evidenced by an imminent Armenian-Azeri peace treaty.” – Christian Science Monitor/ Fred Weir
