JRL NEWSWATCH: “Ruble slump hits Russians’ wallets, not their support for Putin” – Reuters/Andrew Osborn

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“…  the likely cost of a weaker rouble: less spending power abroad, higher prices at home, and another round of belt tightening. … [resulting from] the rouble shedding 10 percent of its value against the dollar since the end of July, driven down largely by new U.S. sanctions …. The narrative in Russia that the rouble’s slide is the result of a Western plot has direct echoes with Turkey …. [t]he price of imported goods is likely to rise. Foreign vacations have also become more expensive. … Pollsters say while the rouble’s weakness may fuel an emerging sense of discontent among some Russians sparked by the pension reform, it is unclear if it will catalyse protests or influence [the] political landscape ….”

Click here for: “Rouble slump hits Russians’ wallets, not their support for Putin” – Reuters/Andrew Osborn

