RUSSIALINK: “There are still chances of reaching agreement before New START expires – Russian ambassador to U.S.” – Interfax

WASHINGTON. Jan 12 (Interfax) – Chances still remain for Russia and the United States to reach an understanding before the New START expires in early February, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov said.
“For its part, Russia is open to a substantive discussion of technical arrangements of the New START prolongation. There are still chances to reach an understanding before February 5, 2021, when the Treaty expires. Hopefully, the new team in White House will demonstrate proper commitment and political will,” the Russian Embassy in the U.S. quoted Antonov as saying on its official Facebook page.
“The extension of New START for a 5-year period will allow us to maintain the current ceilings on strategic offensive weapons as well as the level of transparency and predictability in US-Russia strategic relations,” the ambassador said.