JRL NEWSWATCH: “Trump Administration Weighs Extending New START Nuclear Treaty” – Wall Street Journal/ Michael R. Gordon

“President’s decision about pact with Russia will be influenced by whether China joins arms-control negotiations and progress toward tougher agreement.”
“… A day after a round of Russia-U.S. arms control talks in Vienna, [a U.S.] official said … Trump could agree to extend the [New START Treaty], … due to expire in February, if the parties make progress toward a new agreement that has tough verification measures, covers all nuclear warheads and includes China. The U.S. official was careful not to say, however, what … Trump’s final requirement for extending the treaty might be and what he might ultimately decide. New START cuts long-range U.S. and Russian nuclear arms, and provides for on-site inspections …. China rebuffed [an] invitation [to participate in the talks] ….”
Click here for: “Trump Administration Weighs Extending New START Nuclear Treaty; President’s decision about pact with Russia will be influenced by whether China joins arms-control negotiations and progress toward tougher agreement” – Wall Street Journal/ Michael R. Gordon