JRL NEWSWATCH: “Russia no longer requesting Ukraine be ‘denazified’ as part of ceasefire talks; Requests include Kyiv dropping NATO pursuit in exchange for security guarantees and EU membership” – Financial Times

EU Map adapted from cia.gov image

“Russia [reportedly] is no longer requesting Ukraine be ‘denazified’ and is prepared to let Kyiv join the EU if it remains militarily non-aligned …. Russia and Ukraine] [reportedly] are discussing a pause in hostilities as part of a possible deal that would involve Ukraine abandoning its drive for NATO membership in exchange for security guarantees and the prospect of joining the EU …. Ukraine and its western backers remained sceptical of Putin’s intentions, worrying that the Russian president could be using the talks as a smokescreen to replenish … exhausted forces and plan a fresh offensive. …”

Click here: “Russia no longer requesting Ukraine be ‘denazified’ as part of ceasefire talks; Requests include Kyiv dropping Nato pursuit in exchange for security guarantees and EU membership” – Financial Times/ Max Seddon, Roman Olearchyk, Henry Foy


