JRL NEWSWATCH: “Russia can fund war in Ukraine for another year despite sanctions, leaked document says” – Washington Post

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“U.S. intelligence holds that Russia will be able to fund the war in Ukraine for at least another year, even under … unprecedented sanctions, according to leaked U.S. military documents. … While some of Russia’s economic elites might not agree with the country’s course in Ukraine, and sanctions have hurt their businesses, they are unlikely to withdraw support for … Putin, according to an assessment … [apparently] from early March. … According to another document, U.S. intelligence found that officials at … [the] FSB, were concerned about the insufficient amount of foreign currency held by domestic Russian banks. These officials also warned that the United States could impose secondary sanctions on … Chinese companies … [doing] business with Russia … urg[ing] that such transactions be kept secret. …”

Click here for: “Russia can fund war in Ukraine for another year despite sanctions, leaked document says” – Washington Post/ Adam Taylor


