JRL NEWSWATCH: “One Year In: The View and the Lens from the Russian ‘Gas Station'” – Sarah Lindemann-Komarova

Public Meeting in Siberia, (c) Sarah Lindemann-Komarova https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*9DJxnbzaWbnGgV-UWjLFyg.jpeg https://echosiberia.medium.com/one-year-in-the-view-and-the-lens-from-the-russian-gas-station-693a1f1a4efe

“… Things are quiet, considering the enormity of events, how much the world has changed since a year ago. In the Siberian communities where I live (an Altai Village and scientific suburb of Novosibirsk), the war remains a part of everyone’s life, every day. Instead of sanctions, news exchange involves battlefield stories from family or friends serving as career military, volunteers, mobilized, or prisoners offered early release for 6 months of service. The reports describing near death experiences and the camaraderie are similar to what you hear from all sides in all wars.”

  • “Some people left the country to protect a son from the draft, others to avoid mobilization or protest against the politics in Russia. Some have returned.
  • Some anti-war people who stayed express their anguish on social networks. Some who left post vacation like pictures in their new locales.
  • There are still occasional Z’s and V’s on cars, t-shirts, and buildings. Billboards honoring lost soldiers have appeared along the highway and murals have been painted on an apartment building and school. There is talk of honoring some by renaming streets in Novosibirsk.
  • People share videos on our Village chat and social networks. A recent one featured the Governor bringing donated goods to the men serving in the Donbass. Another portrayed life for the Altai troops on the frontlines with throat singing in the background.
  • Not once have I been harassed or challenged in any way because I am American. …”

Click here for: “One Year In: The View and the Lens from the Russian ‘Gas Station'” – Sarah Lindemann-Komarova
