EVENT: Save the Date: Rethinking Politics in Putin’s Russia [Washington, D.C., Sept. 21]

National Press Club Facade file photo

Subject: Save the Date: Rethinking Politics in Putin’s Russia
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016
From: Center on Global Interests <info@globalinterests.org>

The Center on Global Interests invite you to save the date for:

Arrested Development: Rethinking Politics in Putin’s Russia

The National Press Club
Washington DC
Wednesday, September 21
10:00am – 12:00pm

The Center on Global Interests is pleased to invite you to a discussion on Russia’s political development with members of the Russia Political Insights Project, an international research collaboration that seeks to deepen the understanding of Russia’s current domestic political landscape.

Panelists will present the results of their forthcoming book, Arrested Development: Rethinking Politics in Putin’s Russia, scheduled for release in 2017. The book explores the role of the Russian security forces, media, regional elites, public opinion, and other politically relevant actors in the making of domestic policy.

Confirmed speakers include Andrei Soldatov, Maria Lipman, Nikolay Petrov, Kirill Rogov, and Daniel Treisman.

Audience Q&A and refreshments will follow the discussion.
