RUSSIA & UKRAINE – Johnson’s Russia List table of contents :: JRL 2018-10 :: Monday, 15 January 2018

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Johnson’s Russia List :: JRL 2018-#10
Monday, 15 January 2018
A project sponsored through the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs
The contents do not necessarily represent the views of IERES or The George Washington University.
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1. Lavrov reviews Russia’s 2017 foreign policy in annual press Q&A.
2. NYU Jordan Center: Was the Russian Revolution a Failure? Talk by Sheila Fitzpatrick.
3. Sean’s Russia Blog: Sean Guillory, The Russian Revolution as Past Made Present. Re Mikhail Zygar, The Empire Must Die: Russia’s Revolutionary Collapse, 1900-1917.
4. TASS: Putin’s campaign website up and running.
5. Interfax: VCIOM: 81% of respondents to vote for Putin in election.
6. Putin: Communist ideology similar to Christianity, Lenin’s body like saintly relics.
7. TASS: Vedomosti: Putin’s new term would see more spending on education, healthcare and infrastructure.
8. Bear Market Brief: Putin 4.0 may kick off with budget maneuver.
9. Financial Times: Kremlin tries to stir voters’ interest in Putin’s election campaign. Slick, US-style apparatus set up in effort to present Russian poll as a contest.
10. Vedomosti: Putin’s re-election campaign viewed.
11. Financial Times: Farm boss flourishes as Putin’s Communist opponent. Grudinin has won Russians’ support with mix of socialist and pro-business policies.
12. Farm magnate Grudinin closes all foreign bank accounts ahead of Russia’s presidential election.
13. Interfax: Zyuganov files complaints over biased coverage of Communist candidate’s campaign.
14. Paul Goble: Russian Workers an ‘Invisible Class’ Since Collapse of Soviet Union, New Study Concludes.
15. Fort Russ: Padraig Joseph McGrath, Russia after Putin: The Impending Dilemma.
16. Washington Post: Vladimir Kara-Murza, If Putin is so popular, why is he so afraid of competition?
17. Berlin Policy Journal: “Do We Want to Re-Enact Yalta?” Western relations with Russia are the worst in thirty years-and unlikely to improve as long as Vladimir Putin is in the Kremlin, says Russia expert ANGELA STENT.
18. Bear Market Brief: Alex Nice, Outlook for 2018 mixed.
19. Reuters: Russian economy suddenly shrinks in November.
20. Sputnik: Despite Rising US Competition, Russia Will Dominate Europe’s Energy Market.
21. Valdai Discussion Club: Maria Al Makahleh (Dubovikova), WHAT IS IN 2018’S PANDORA’S BOX?
22. What will happen if USA freezes Russian dollar assets?
23. Paul Goble: Kremlin isn’t Panicking over New Sanctions the Way Many are Suggesting, Nemets Says
24. TASS: Izvestia: Russian lawmakers work on sanctions against WADA officials for 2018 Olympics ban.
25. TASS: Russia, US agree to launch 12 satellites using Soyuz-2 carrier rockets.
26. The New Kremlin Stooge: Mark Chapman, The Sour Grapes of Wrath. (re Syria)
The Sour Grapes of Wrath
27. AP: Administration Plan Sees Deterrence in New Nuclear Firepower.
28. Interfax: New U.S. nuclear doctrine is next step to build infrastructure enabling global strike on Russia – MP Slutsky.
29. Bryan MacDonald, Polexit? New Iron Curtain divides Europe, with conservative East v liberal West.
30. Asia Times: M.K. Bhadrakumar, In Putin’s praise for Kim Jong-un, a message for Trump.
31. Washington Post: Samuel Ramani, Russia is looking to engage with the Taliban. Here’s why.
32. The American Interest: Peter Pomerantsev, LESSONS FROM UKRAINE. The Seven Ages of Revolution. Marci Shore’s intimate account of Ukraine’s 2014 revolution probes the metaphysical meaning of revolution. In so doing, it illuminates the crisis of the West more broadly.
33. The New Kremlin Stooge: Mark Chapman, Welcome to the Boomtown. (re Ukraine) (excerpt)
Welcome to the Boomtown
34. Alexander Mercouris, 2017: The Ukrainian economy’s dismal year. Ukrainian economy continued to weaken as inflation rose and living standards fell.
35. The Hill: Jonathabn Turley, Democrats search for Russians – any Russians – for collusion story.
36. The National Interest: Lyke Goldstein, From Siberia to Crimea: The Revenge of History in U.S.-Russian Relations. One is tempted to conclude that the Washington foreign-policy establishment has learned little over the past century.
37. Russian International Affairs Council: Andrey Kortunov, Seven Debates over the Fourteen Points.

Map of Commonwealth of Independent States, European Portion

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

Map of CIS Central Asia and Environs

Eurasia Map
