RUSSIA & UKRAINE – Johnson’s Russia List table of contents :: JRL 2017-240 :: Saturday, 23 December 2017

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Johnson’s Russia List :: JRL 2017-#240
Saturday, 23 December 2017
A project sponsored through the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs
The contents do not necessarily represent the views of IERES or The George Washington University.
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1. The Express (UK): USA prepares for WAR with Russia: Marines boss tells troops to ready for ‘big a** fight.’ US TROOPS have been told to prepare for war with Russia by one of America’s most senior generals.
2. The Unz Review: Anatoly Karlin, 10 Ways Life in Russia Is Better Than in America.
3. Wall Street Journal: David Satter, A Christmas Encounter With the ‘Russian Soul.’ The man who found my wallet demanded an ‘honorarium.’ He learned a lesson when I stood firm. (“Russians do not share the ethical heritage of the West”)
4. TASS: Putin says Russia is not “adorable grandma”
5. United Russia party endorses Putin for president in upcoming election.
6. AP: Putin Vows to Modernize Russia, Challengers Prepare for Race.
7. United Russia Party congress.
8. Reuters: Russian communists drop veteran, select surprise candidate to challenge Putin.
9. TASS: Russia’s Sobchak sets out election programme.
10. Supporters of Russian opposition activist Navalny endorse him for presidency.
11. Interfax: Central Elections Commission accepts documents from Navalny, Polonsky.
12. Brains over bucks: Putin hints AI may be key to Russia beating US in defense despite budget gap.
13. Paul Goble: The Worse Russians Live, The Happier They Are, VTsIOM Poll Suggests.
14. Inside Higher Ed: Elizabeth Redden, No License to Teach. A Western-style university in Russia is hamstrung as authorities keep denying its license to teach.(re the European University at St. Petersburg)
15. Financial Times: Russia’s top banker warns against new US sanctions. Scion of liberal elite voices fears over tighter measures. (Herman Gref)
16. Rethinking Russia: Pavel Koshkin, Three milestones of Russia’s foreign policy in 2017.
17. Sustainable Security: Andrei Tsygankov, RUSSIA AND THE WEST: A NEW COLD WAR?
18. The American Conservative: Andrew Bacevich, When Washington Assured Russia NATO Would Not Expand. How America’s failure to honor a 1990 commitment led to many of today’s global crises.
19. Kenneth Rapoza,,Angela Merkel Tries Pressuring Vladimir Putin On Ukraine War.
20. The National Interest: Doug Bandow, Donald Trump Prepares to Escalate Confrontation with Russia over Ukraine.
21. Fast Company: From Russia With…Startup Dreams. In the wake of heightened paranoia over the Kremlin, tech investors with Russian ties are still chasing deals, dreaming big, and sometimes disguising their roots.
22. The National Review: Andrew McCarthy, Was the Steele Dossier the FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’? Clinton campaign propaganda appears to have triggered Obama administration spying on Trump’s campaign. (excerpt)
23. The Verge: You can now check to see if you follow Russian propaganda on Facebook and Instagram.
24. The Week: Matthew Walther, The most respectable conspiracy theory in Washington.
25. Russia Insider: Adam Johnson, NY Times Frets About Russian Propaganda, Ignores Massive Troll Farms Run by America and Its Allies.
26. It’s a trap! Guardian’s Luke Harding goes on Russia collusion book promo, grilled for actual facts.

Map of Commonwealth of Independent States, European Portion

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

Map of CIS Central Asia and Environs

Eurasia Map
