JRL NEWSWATCH: “Why are we not stepping up for Ukraine?” – The Spectator/ Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson file photo adapted from whitehouse.gov image

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“Victory will revalidate and re-energize the West and all we stand for.”

“… Victory for Ukraine will revalidate and re-energize the West and all we stand for. Above all, it will mean the liberation of a beautiful and entirely innocent country that has been selfishly and criminally attacked. I believe that victory will come; and I believed it all the more strongly after talking to those injured soldiers. … Putin has intensified and provoked the most powerful modern nationalism we have seen. His troops, tired, mistrustful, far from home, have nothing in their hearts to match it. That is why Putin will lose and Ukraine will eventually win; and since that is what must happen, and since that is what is going to happen, can we not, in the name of all that is holy, give the Ukrainians now the military assistance they need to bring matters to the speediest possible conclusion ….”

Click here for: “Why are we not stepping up for Ukraine? Victory will revalidate and re-energize the West and all we stand for” – The Spectator/ Boris Johnson

