JRL NEWSWATCH: “What Navalny’s Poisoning Really Says About the Current State of Putin’s Russia” – The New Yorker/ Joshua Yaffa
“… This guessing game, though tempting, is not only unsolvable; it misses the insight that attacks like Nemtsov’s murder and Navalny’s poisoning really offer about Putin’s Russia — the most pernicious and terrifying fact is not whether Putin did or did not issue orders to his underlings to off perceived enemies but that anyone from the ruling circle can use the over-all dysfunction and impunity of Putin’s system to do so on their own. For those who are considered svoi, that is, one of ours, deadly force is effectively legalized. … In exchange for their loyalty and utility in carrying out the Kremlin’s dirty work, such individuals are free to settle their own scores or act in Putin’s’s interests as they interpret them. … Navalny has assembled no shortage of specific enemies: prosecutors, governors, oligarchs, not to mention shadowy officials from the powerful security services and the Kremlin’s inner sanctum. … Each of these figures, and many more, have the motive and the means to poison Navalny—and they know that nothing would happen to them if they did. …”
Click here for: “What Navalny’s Poisoning Really Says About the Current State of Putin’s Russia” – The New Yorker/ Joshua Yaffa