JRL NEWSWATCH: “Wagner Cost Russia Suspiciously Little Money” – Bloomberg/ Leonid Bershidsky

Yevgeny Prigozhin file photos, adapted from images at fbi.gov

“If Putin’s defense spending numbers are correct, it’s likely that Prigozhin overstated the size of his army.”

“… [D]isatisfaction with Russia’s military and political leadership will continue to brew with the fighting in Ukraine. As more details become available about Wagner — until recently, the best-equipped, always regularly paid part of the Russian invasion force — officers and soldiers alike will wonder why their units often need to rely on public collections for vital equipment and why their pay is often delayed or reduced. … Putin didn’t say how much was spent on Wagner’s equipment and ammunition, but the numbers he gave are revealing. For one, they appear to be insufficient for the group’s reported size. … The Defense ministry’s math looks murkier. …”

Click here for: “Wagner Cost Russia Suspiciously Little Money; If Putin’s defense spending numbers are correct, it’s likely that Prigozhin overstated the size of his army.” – Bloomberg/ Leonid Bershidsky
