JRL NEWSWATCH: “The west must match Russia and China in the dark arts of the grey zone” – Financial Times

“Traditional military power will not be enough to win the Ukraine war or the larger struggle over the global order.”
“… Are cyber attacks, disinformation and influence campaigns still relevant? The answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’ Ukraine is but a single front in a [global conflict] … over what is and is not permissible in international relations. … [T]he war over the future global order is also being fought along many other fronts …. China, too, uses a sophisticated grey zone toolbox, including economic and trade coercion, naval power, a huge fleet of ‘fishing’ vessels to bully neighbours …, militarisation of atolls …, Confucius Institutes at western universities and foreign police outposts which monitor expatriate Chinese. … [N]on-military means … to advance … strategic interests have expanded …. Our adversaries make effective use of them. Russian and Chinese information campaigns cast blame for the Ukraine war on [NATO] expansion and the hegemonic ‘west.’ Ukraine’s friends … recognise this as [a] lie … but it resonates in the global south and in enclaves of gullible opinion in Europe and the U.S. …”