JRL NEWSWATCH: “Murder, torture, rape: Russia’s crimes are a long-running horror show” – Washington Post
“… [E]vidence attesting to Russia[n] atrocities in Ukraine … represents a small fraction measured against the likely scale of atrocities …. Notwithstanding the … accounts detailing systematic torture, rape, execution and other forms of abuse … independent investigators are denied access to territory seized by Russian forces. … [T]he Kremlin’s commanders have time to eliminate traces of physical evidence as well as civilians who might bear witness to crimes. … [T]estimony gathered so far by international monitors comes mainly from survivors who manage to leave after Russian troops occupied their towns and villages. Those caught behind the lines are beyond reach. … [E]ven from a limited sampling … abominations perpetrated by Russian security services and soldiers are plain. … [By comparison,] Russia’s subjugation of Chechnya, a little-known place, got scant attention. But in the military’s viciousness and brutality, it was a prelude to Putin’s current campaign. …”