JRL NEWSWATCH: “Moscow to retaliate in kind if EU uses profits from frozen Russia assets: Putin ally” – Politico.eu

Russian State Duma Building file photo

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“Head of the lower house of Russia’s parliament warns that ‘far more assets belonging to unfriendly countries’ will be grabbed in response if the EU confiscates earnings of Russia’s frozen holdings.”

“Moscow [reportedly] is preparing to confiscate the assets of ‘unfriendly’ EU nations in retaliation if the bloc pushes ahead with a proposal to seize the profits from frozen Russian holdings …. The warning[, issued Sunday by Putin ally] … Vyacheslav Volodin, head of the lower house of Russia’s parliament, came after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Friday said the EU executive is looking into sanctioned Russian state assets as a way to help worn-torn Ukraine rebuild. The move, she stressed, aligns with a previous political decision to hold Moscow accountable for Ukraine’s reconstruction following Russian President Vladimir Putin all-out invasion of the country. …”

The United States, Britain and rest of the G7 have expressed support for the EU idea.

Click here for: “Moscow to retaliate in kind if EU uses profits from frozen Russia assets: Putin ally; Head of the lower house of Russia’s parliament warns that ‘far more assets belonging to unfriendly countries’ will be grabbed in response if the EU confiscates earnings of Russia’s frozen holdings.” – Politico.eu/ Federica Di Sario
