JRL NEWSWATCH: “In Ukraine war, neither side is winning. Is it time to negotiate?” – CBC

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

“Russia and Ukraine both reluctant to cede territory, but some Western allies are losing patience.”

“… The G7 recently made significant financial and military commitments to keep Ukraine armed and able to defend itself even after the conflict ends, however it may end. … sometimes called the porcupine approach, ensuring Ukraine has enough muscle to stop a re-invasion …. Ukraine once had the third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile … but relinquished them in a 1994 agreement in return for a pledge by Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States to respect its independence, sovereignty and existing borders. Putin has broken Russia’s end of that deal. Repeatedly. So, can he be trusted now? During a 2008 visit, he told U.S. President George W. Bush that ‘Ukraine is not a real country.’ In 2021, he argued Ukrainian nationality did not exist. The next year, he sent a mass invasion force to seize Kyiv. It didn’t work. And Ukrainian leaders aren’t particularly interested in giving him another opportunity.”

Click here for: “In Ukraine war, neither side is winning. Is it time to negotiate? Russia and Ukraine both reluctant to cede territory, but some Western allies are losing patience” – CBC/ David Common
