JRL NEWSWATCH: “Can Samantha Power Win the Battle for Ukraine’s Future?” – New York Times

Maidan Square in Kiev, Ukraine

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“… [E]ventually the war will end. What happens to Ukraine then? … Will it revert to the oligarchical model that typified its early years[] [o]r … make good on its promise of genuine modernity? That process … require[s] a renovated ethical culture to undergird a strong rule of law and a political class bound by … public duty and personal accountability. … Even if Ukraine wins the war soon and maintains its reformist course, it will take years of effort and hundreds of billions in additional financial support before it pulls itself out of the rubble. It will also require … political will and bureaucratic focus [from] … Americans …. If Ukraine can survive a Russian invasion and flourish … it will be a rebuke to the idea that the free world is in terminal decline, that alliances with the United States are a bad bet, and that other nations facing similar threats — Taiwan in particular — should simply accommodate themselves to … aggressive neighbors ….”

Click here for: “Can Samantha Power Win the Battle for Ukraine’s Future?” – New York Times/ Bret Stephens
