JRL NEWSWATCH: “After the Iraq Debacle, Why Does the National Security Establishment Remain Unshaken? Mission unaccomplished — and lessons unlearned.” – The Nation/ Katrina vanden Heuvel

File Photo of Joe Biden at Podium in Front of U.S. and State Department Flags, adapted from image at usembassy.gov

“In Warsaw last February, President Joe Biden condemned the lawless Russian invasion of Ukraine: ‘The idea that over 100,000 forces would invade another country—since World War II, nothing like that has happened.’ One month later marked the 20th anniversary of the greatest U.S. foreign policy debacle since Vietnam: America’s ‘war of choice’ against Iraq, with 130,000 US soldiers invading the country to overthrow its government. …”

Click here for: “After the Iraq Debacle, Why Does the National Security Establishment Remain Unshaken? Mission unaccomplished — and lessons unlearned.” – The Nation/ Katrina vanden Heuvel

