VIDEO: JRL NEWSWATCH: “Zelenskyy appeals to Trump, Congress to see ‘tragedy’ of Russia invasion in exclusive Bret Baier interview” – Fox

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

“Volodymyr Zelenskyy says there have been at least 5 assassination attempts made against him”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in an exclusive FOX News interview, appealed to President Biden and Republican front-runner Donald Trump to visit Ukraine and see for themselves at the front lines of ‘this tragedy.’ … Baier met with Zelenskyy near the front lines in Kharkiv, just a few kilometers from heavy fighting. …”

“…Distant artillery shots and explosions peppered the background of the interview and throughout the morning as the team set up for the interview. … Baier confronted Zelenskyy with Trump’s … claim[] that [Trump] would end the war in 24 hours … [Zelenskyy said he] still ‘can’t understand how’ Trump would achieve [that]. ‘He can’t solve this problem, this tragedy with me,’ Zelenskyy said. He said he would host the former President on the frontlines where he ‘will explain everything, and he will explain what his thoughts, maybe he has some ideas. I don’t know.’ … ‘[H]e will see what’s going on, and after that, I think he will change his mind, and we all understood that there is no two sides of this war: There is only one enemy, and this is the position of Putin’ …. Zelenskyy agreed that the Russian people could create change within their country and remove Putin, but that task remains a long and difficult road …. He also belittled Putin’s insistence that Russia had no interest in going to Poland, Latvia or ‘anywhere else,’ adding that people around Putin have said he’s ‘not willing to stop until they reach their goals.’ At one stage of the interview, Baier asked Zelenskyy about attempts made against the Ukrainian president’s life. Zelennskyy said that after the fifth attempt it was ‘not interesting for me now.’ …”

Click here for: “Zelenskyy appeals to Trump, Congress to see ‘tragedy’ of Russia invasion in exclusive Bret Baier interview; Volodymyr Zelenskyy says there have been at least 5 assassination attempts made against him” – Fox: Peter Aitken
