NEWSLINK: In Panicky Russia, It’s Official: End of World Is Not Near

Map of Russia

[Ellen Barry – New York Times – Dec. 2, 2012 –]

Ellen Barry of the New York Times covers Russia’s response to reports about the would-be Mayan Apocalypse:

There are scattered reports of unusual behavior from across Russia’s nine time zones.

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For those not schooled in New Age prophecy, there are rumors the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012, when a 5,125-year cycle known as the Long Count in the Mayan calendar supposedly comes to a close. Russia, a nation with a penchant for mystical thinking, has taken notice.

Last week, Russia’s government decided to put an end to the doomsday talk. Its minister of emergency situations said Friday that he had access to “methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth,” and that he could say with confidence that the world was not going to end in December. He acknowledged, however, that Russians were still vulnerable to “blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, trouble with transportation and food supply, breakdowns in heat, electricity and water supply.”

Similar assurances have been issued in recent days by Russia’s chief sanitary doctor, a top official of the Russian Orthodox Church, lawmakers from the State Duma and a former disc jockey from Siberia who recently placed first in the television show “Battle of the Psychics.” One official proposed prosecuting Russians who spread the rumor ­ — starting on Dec. 22.

There has been panicky buying in response to even obscure news articles and requests by the government that state-controlled television stop talking about the ancient Mayan prophecy.

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