JRL NEWSWATCH: “Peace in Ukraine; What a Ukraine peace deal might look like.” – New York Times

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

“… If Ukraine can’t get what it needs to beat Russia, what kind of deal could it make? … Putin may accept a peace deal that gives him the territory he occupies now and that forces Ukraine to stay neutral, halting its integration with Europe. Ukrainians call this bargain a capitulation. But without additional American aid, they may be forced to take it. A better deal for Ukraine would give it back at least some of its land, plus a promise that the United States and Europe would help defend it against Russia. Perhaps then Putin would think twice about further attacks. In this scenario, Ukraine might not join NATO or the European Union immediately …. But to make that deal possible, Ukraine would need a stronger military to erode Russia’s might. The Russian Army has been damaged, its most advanced weaponry lost, its modernization drive set back years. …”

Click here for: “Peace in Ukraine; What a Ukraine peace deal might look like.” – New York Times: Julian E. Barnes

