RUSSIA NEWS & INFORMATION – Johnson’s Russia List contents & links :: JRL 2022-#38 :: Sunday, 20 February 2022

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Johnson’s Russia List :: JRL 2021-#38 :: Sunday, 20 February 2022
A project sponsored through the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. The contents do not necessarily represent the views of IERES or The George Washington University.
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1. Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Press release on submitting a written reaction to the US response concerning security guarantees –
2. Meduza: Moscow’s package deal. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s response to Washington’s security proposals, in a nutshell. –
3. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to questions from RT television channel Moscow, February 18, 2022 –
4. Moon of Alabama: Ukraine – Who Is Firing At Whom And Who Is Lying About It? –
5. The National Interest: George Beebe, Are Russia and America Headed Towards a Disastrous Conflict Over Ukraine? President Joe Biden stated today that Russian president Vladimir Putin has made the decision to invade Ukraine. –
6. Intellinews: Ben Aris, Playing Chicken with Ukraine. Russia and the West are locked in a game of chicken that is becoming increasingly violent. –
7. New York Times: Ukraine’s paramilitaries prepare for conflict with Russia.
8. Consortium News: Scott Ritter, The Evidence for Invasion the US Could Produce. Rather than produce fake evidence to the U.N. Security Council, as Colin Powell had, Antony Blinken just produced nothing at all, though the U.S. has intelligence it can show. –
9. Indian Punchline: M.K. Bhadrakumar, Moscow’s coercive diplomacy is working –
10. Glenn Diesen, Does NATO really pose a threat to Russia? The growing standoff between East and West is a hangover from the Cold War –
11. Irrussianality: Paul Robinson, PICTURES OF AN INVASION FORCE? NOT SO MUCH –
12. Irrussianality: Paul Robinson, THE WAR IN DONBASS MUST END NOW! –
13. Awful Avalanche: Donbass Refugees: A Horror Without End –
14. Yahoo News: Putin may launch invasion of Ukraine in Donbas, analysts say.
15. Valdai Discussion CLub: Dmitry Suslov, Russia-West: Continuation of a Managed Escalation –
16. Der Spiegel: NATO’s Eastward Expansion. Is Vladimir Putin Right? Vladimir Putin insists that the West cheated Russia by expanding NATO eastward following the end of the Cold War. Is there anything to his claims? The short answer: It’s complicated.
17. Russian & Eurasian Politics: Gordon Hahn, Western Intel as Incendiary Device: Does Washington Want Russia to Invade Donbass/Ukraine?
18. Russia Matters: 5 Polls That Contextualize the Russia-Ukraine Crisis.
19. Palladium: David Oks, Waiting for the Russians in Ukraine.
20. 1945: Daniel Davis, How To Avoid A War With Russia: Declare Ukraine Can’t Join NATO –
21. Martin Jay, Give War a Chance? Fake News Is Already Making It Happen in Ukraine. Western media leads us into war in Ukraine with Russia, but don’t worry, Biden’s got the autocue working now. –
22. New York Times: Russia has been laying groundwork online for a ‘false flag’ operation, misinformation researchers say.. Several claims have circulated on social media, often after they are mentioned by Russian officials or news media.
23. Russia in Global Affairs: Stephen Cimbala, Revising the Topspin In NATO – Russia Relations –
24. TASS: Recognition of Donbass republics not in line with Minsk accords, says Kremlin.
25. Facebook: Fred Weir, Putin’s endgame.
26. The Nation: Independent American and Russian Women Call for Peace. –