JRL NEWSWATCH: “Ukraine is not losing; U.S. assistance must continue” – The Hill: Evelyn N. Farkas

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

“… Russia has … greater manpower … and the ability to recruit more fighters through lucrative contracts …. Russian firepower is reportedly ten times greater in aggregate than Ukraine’s and about seven-fold just for artillery and mortars. … U.S. congressional failure to approve [more] support … has led to an increased loss of Ukrainian lives and territory on the front lines and … gaps in air defenses. There is real danger looming with further delay. Nonetheless, none of the Ukrainian towns surrendered in the conflict to date represent strategic losses. So far, the Ukrainians have held on to critical positions along the Dnieper …. [D]ata pointing in a positive direction is mounting. … Ukraine has systematically destroyed a significant portion of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, forcing … remaining ships to retreat to Russian waters. … Ukraine has established a trade corridor hugging the NATO side of the Black Sea …. Regular trade, at pre-February 2022 levels, has resumed …. In the last several weeks Ukraine has successfully destroyed or disabled about half a dozen Russian oil refineries (and struck more than a dozen over the last two years) which serve the domestic market, and the armed forces and may also reduce Moscow’s export ability. During roughly the same timeframe, pro-Ukrainian Russian forces conducted raids on military towns inside Russia along the border, forcing a partial evacuation … the first military incursion into Russia from Ukraine since World War II — and last [summer’s] … Prigozhin [mutiny]. … [Nevertheless,] [w]hile the Ukrainians hardly welcome a new Russian offensive in the spring or summer, they believe it is likely. …”

Click here for: “Ukraine is not losing; U.S. assistance must continue” – The Hill: Evelyn N. Farkas

Ukraine is not losing; US assistance must continue

