JRL NEWSWATCH: “Russian Elite Is Souring on Putin’s Chances of Winning His War” – Bloomberg

Vladimir Putin file photo, adapted from screenshot of video at shareamerica.gov

“Even some who support the invasion and want to intensify the fight against Ukraine have become deflated about Russia’s prospects.”

“… [D]eepening gloom … grip[s] Russia’s elite about … Putin’s war in Ukraine, with even the most optimistic seeing a ‘frozen’ conflict as the best available outcome …. Many within the political and business elite [reportedly] are tired of the war and want it to stop, though they doubt Putin will halt the fighting …. [Reportedly] nobody’s willing to stand up to [Putin] over the invasion, [but] absolute belief in his leadership has been shaken …. With no end to the fighting in sight, Russian officials and billionaire tycoons know they face potentially years of international isolation and deepening dependence on the Kremlin ….”

Putin is pushing businesses to [support] the war effort.  He also is banning persons working with him from leaving their posts.

Click here for: “Russian Elite Is Souring on Putin’s Chances of Winning His War; Even some who support the invasion and want to intensify the fight against Ukraine have become deflated about Russia’s prospects.” – Bloomberg
