JRL NEWSWATCH: “Russia withdraws troops from Ukraine’s border” – bne Intellinews

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

“… Fears of an imminent invasion have been stoked by the large build-up of Russian forces on Ukraine’s eastern border and additional forces sent to Crimea. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy welcomed the announcement and thanked his international partners for their support. … [E]stimates … vary from around 40,000 new troops largely stationed in the city of Voronezh some 130 km from Ukraine’s border to the EU’s higher estimate of 100,000 troops, which seems also to count the troops permanently stationed in Crimea since before the annexation in 2014, as well as the Moscow-backed separatist fighters in Donbas, but analysts agree that the build-up is the largest since 2014. …”

Click here for: “Russia withdraws troops from Ukraine’s border” – bne Intellinews/ Ben Aris

