JRL NEWSWATCH: “Putin’s 2019 ‘Direct Line,’ in a nutshell; Russia’s president spoke on national TV for four hours, but you can read this summary in five minutes” – Meduza/ Summary by Mikhail Zelensky, Translation by Kevin Rothrock

File Photo of Putin Sitting at Desk, Looking Down, Writing, During Call-In Show, adapted from screenshot of video at kremlin.ru

“National projects: The country needs to revitalize the economy, but first we need to figure out where to find the money for this development work. That’s why we raised the VAT [value added tax), and as expected it increased inflation, but only temporarily. The cabinet ministers are personally responsible for seeing their work through. Income and wages …. Healthcare …. Waste management …. Foreign sanctions …. The 1990s … The economy …. The battle against corruption …. Jailed entrepreneurs …. Planted drugs …. Punishment for fake news and online insults against state officials …. RuNet sovereignty …. Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky …. The U.S. of A. …. Militarization and military parades …. Closing, extremely random remark ….”

Click here for: “Putin’s 2019 ‘Direct Line,’ in a nutshell Russia’s president spoke on national TV for four hours, but you can read this summary in five minutes” – Meduza/ Summary by Mikhail Zelensky, Translation by Kevin Rothrock

[featured image is file photo from another occasion]

