JRL NEWSWATCH: “Kherson’s newly liberated residents wonder: Who collaborated with the Russians?” – Los Angeles Times

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

“… Kherson, the only provincial capital captured by Russia since it invaded in February, is back in Ukrainian hands, though Moscow’s forces are still close enough to remain a menace. … [J]oy over the reclamation of Kherson … is tempered by punishing hardships … hunger and shortages of medicine as well as scant electricity, running water and communications. Criminal and forensics investigators are rushing to document evidence of executions and torture, digging up bodies and coaxing traumatized witnesses to come forward. … [C]ase files are open on hundreds of suspected war crimes. Victims of torture haltingly recount their ordeals. De-mining teams are fanned out across the city and plying muddy fields … where wrecked military and civilian vehicles line battered roads. … Kherson’s people must now come to terms with the fact that some of their neighbors cooperated with the occupiers. …”

Click here for: “Kherson’s newly liberated residents wonder: Who collaborated with the Russians?” – Los Angeles Times/ Laura King

