JRL NEWSWATCH: “Kennan: A Life between Worlds review” – Irish Times

George F. Kennan historic file photo, adapted from image at loc.gov

“Kennan: A Life between Worlds
Frank Costigliola
Princeton University Press
624pp £32”

“… An obscure diplomat in 1940s Moscow, George F. Kennan (1904-2005) found fame as the architect of ‘containment’ – America’s global struggle to defend the ‘free world’ from Soviet expansionism and communist subversion. Kennan’s policy prescriptions went public when he was outed as the anonymous author of a 1947 article on ‘The Sources of Soviet Conduct’ in which he argued that power was the only language the Soviets understood. Kennan’s ideas gelled because he offered a viable alternative to either appeasing the Soviets or going to war with them. …”

Click here for: “Kennan: A Life between Worlds review: Psycho-political portrait of a US diplomat’s love for Russia; Frank Costigliola’s compelling biography reveals a tortured, tragic individual who wanted U.S. democratic values to spread by example not force” – Irish Times/ Geoffrey Roberts

