JRL NEWSWATCH: “Don’t Be Afraid of a Russian Collapse; Why is the West so hesitant about a clear Ukrainian victory?” – Foreign Policy

European Portion of Commonwealth of Independent States

“… The Ukrainians’ courage and determination to defend their independence is a historic chance for the United States and Europe to deliver a decisive blow to Russian imperialism and toxic nationalism. But so far, the major Western powers hesitate to throw their weight behind this outcome. Ukraine, strongly supported by the Baltic countries and Poland, insists that Russia must be fought, isolated, and sanctioned until it completely withdraws from Ukraine, pays reparations for war damage, and delivers Russians accused of war crimes to face trial. This will be a long process requiring a change in Western thinking, but it is unavoidable if past mistakes of handling Russian aggression are to be corrected. Eventually, a free and democratic Ukraine, secure in its borders and fully integrated into the trans-Atlantic community, will be the best possible chance for a deep transformation within Russia. It is that outcome — about which the West should be clear — that could one day open up a truly peaceful, post-imperial era in Russia’s relations with its neighbors.”

Click here for: “Don’t Be Afraid of a Russian Collapse; Why is the West so hesitant about a clear Ukrainian victory?” – Foreign Policy/ Kristi Raik

Don’t Be Afraid of a Russian Collapse

