JRL NEWSWATCH: “Arctic Circle’s record temperatures heighten global warming concerns” – Financial Times/ Leslie Hook, Max Seddon

“Wild anomalies such as the 38C recorded in northern Russia this week underline climate change threat.”
“… [N]orthern Russia has produced the highest temperature ever recorded inside the Arctic Circle …. [R]esidents of Verkhoyansk, north-east of Siberia in … Yakutia … have … been sunbathing in a town that at other times of the year shares the record as the world’s coldest inhabited place. … [T]emperatures touched 38C [100.4F] [and] a makeshift riviera has sprung up along the nearby Yana river. … Verkhoyansk’s scorching summer has thrilled locals emerging from coronavirus lockdown but alarmed scientists[] … say[ing] … wild temperature anomalies underline the threat from global warming. … The planet has warmed by about 1.1C on average during the past century … not evenly distributed. … [With] Arctic amplification … the warming has been much more pronounced in the polar regions, due to retreating snow and ice. …”