NEWSWATCH Brookings/Steven Pifer, Will Ukraine dash its hopes for Western support?

Map of Ukraine, Including Crimea, and Neighbors, Including Russia

Ukraine has gone through a lot the past 30 months. Despite formidable challenges, it has made important progress, both in containing Russian-backed separatism in the Donbas and in beginning needed reforms. Ukrainians deserve credit …. The United States and Europe should support Ukraine, whose success or failure will have major implications for the future of Europe and the European security order. But a note of caution: Kiev should not take that support for granted. What the Ukrainian leadership does—or does not do—will affect that support and whether there is a revival of “Ukraine fatigue” in the West. * * *  It would be a tragedy for the West but especially for Kiev were “Ukraine fatigue” to return. Ukraine’s leadership has the power to prevent that.

Click here for Brookings Institution/Steven Pifer: Will Ukraine dash its hopes for Western support?
