EVENT: ASN 2015 World Convention Preliminary Program (New York, April 23-25)

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Subject: To Post: ASN 2015 World Convention Preliminary Program
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015 1
From: Dominique Arel <darel@uottawa.ca>



Columbia University Campus with Main Building

The preliminary program of the ASN 2015 World Convention can be downloaded at nationalities.org/uploads/documents/
. The Convention, sponsored by the Harriman Institute, will be held at Columbia University, New York, on April 23-25, 2015.

**Registration fees are $100 for ASN members, $130 for nonmembers, $60 for students (and a special rate of $30 for nonpanelist graduate students enrolled in New York area universities). The registration form can be downloaded at https://nationalities.wufoo.com/forms/asn-registration-form/. For registration information, please contact Registration Manager Kelsey Davis (asnreg2015@gmail.com). For general convention information, please contact ASN Executive Director Ryan Kreider (rk2780@columbia.edu, 212 854 2514)**

As always, the Convention boasts the most international lineup of panelists of North American-based conventions, with more than half of the 400+ scholars delivering papers, more than half currently based outside of the United States in nearly 50 countries. More than 750 panelists and participants are expected at the Convention. The program features 160 panels, including the screening of 12 new documentaries that will be announced later. For a glimpse of last year’s film lineup, which included Watchers of the Sky, Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer, Putin’s Games, and Ukraine is not a Brothel, go to http://nationalities.org/conventions/film-presentations/2014-film-presentations

The Convention offers an exceptionally strong lineup of panels in all regions of the former Communist world and Eurasia: Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia/Turkey-Greece/China, the Balkans, Ukraine/Belarus and Central Europe (including the Baltics and Moldova). The Balkans and Central Europe sections are the largest, with 24 and 23 panels respectively, on par with Russia and the Caucasus-23, Ukraine (and Belarus)-13, Central Asia/China/Turkey/Greece-a combined 19, Nationalism Studies-17 and the new Migration section-7 panels.

Due to the extraordinary situation prevailing in Ukraine and Russia since 2014, up to ten panels will be devoted to dimensions of the conflict, including a NATO roundtable. Other special events will include a roundtable on the Greece crisis and a roundtable on Russia’s Oscar-nominated film Leviathan.

In its most visible section, the Convention will be hosting up to 16 special panels featuring important new books. The list includes Ron Suny’s “They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else”: A History of the Armenian Genocide (Princeton, 2015), Michael Hechter’s Alien Rule (Cambridge, 2013), Allan Patten’s Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights (Princeton, 2014), Valerie Sperling’s Sex, Politics, and Putin: Political Legitimacy in Russia (Oxford, 2015), Samuel A. Greene’s Moscow in Movement: Power and Opposition in Putin’s Russia (Stanford, 2014), Robert Donia’s Radovan Karadzic: Architect of the Bosnian Genocide (Cambridge, 2015), Lara Nettlefield’s Srebrenica in the Aftermath of Genocide (Cambridge, 2014), Myroslav Shkandrij’s Ukrainian Nationalism: Politics, Ideology, and Literature (Yale, 2015), Henry Hale’s Patronal Politics: Eurasian Regime Dynamics in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge, 2014), Paul Werth’s The Tsar’s Foreign Faiths: Toleration and the Fate of Religious Freedom in Imperial Russia (Oxford, 2014), Joshua Sanborn’s Imperial Apocalypse: The Great War and the Destruction of the Russian Empire (Oxford, 2014), Michael S. Bryant’s Eyewitness to Genocide: the Operation Reinhard Death Camp Trials, 1955-66 (Tennessee, 2014), David Marples’ Our Glorious Past: Lukashenka’s Belarus and the Great Patriotic War (Columbia, 2014), Sabine Dullin’s La frontière épaisse: Aux origines des politiques soviétiques (Éditions de l’EHESS, 2014), Olga Onuch’s Mapping Mass Mobilization: Understanding Revolutionary Movements in Argentina and Ukraine (Palgrave, 2014) and Alexander Osipov et al.’s, Policies of Ethno-cultural Diversity Management in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine (European Humanities, 2014). A few of these panels are still under construction and will be gradually added to the program.

The opening reception, celebrating the Convention’s 20th Anniversary, will be held on the 15th Floor of the International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118th St., New York on Thursday April 23 at 8.00 PM. The closing reception, at the same place on Saturday April 25 at 7.15 PM, will feature the announcements of the ASN Harriman Book Prize, the Best Doctoral Students Papers Awards and the Award for Best Documentary.

For practical information regarding the convention, please contact Ryan Kreider (rk2780@columbia.edu, 212 854 2514). For registration information, please contact Kelsey Davis (asnreg2015@gmail.com). For information on panels, please contact Dominique Arel (darel@uottawa.ca).

We look forward to seeing you at the Convention!

Dominique Arel, ASN Convention Academic Director
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and Program Committee
