11 POINTS FROM PUTIN: Starting from 2013, the effectiveness of the work of the governors will be evaluated in a new way

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11 POINTS FROM PUTIN: Starting from 2013, the effectiveness of the work of the governors will be evaluated in a new way –  Vedomosti editorial – 8.24.12

[no link available to English-language translation]

A Vedemosti editorial reports that a presidential decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Aug. 21, 2012, and effective in 2013, will change how regional governors are evaluated.

Putin reportedly has 11 criteria, instead of Medvedev’s 74 points.

Some of them include:

  • life expectancy
  • death rates from natural causes
  • population growth
  • fixed capital investment
  • budget revenue
  • percentage of graduates failing the unified state examination
  • “assessment of the activities of the authorities by the
    population takes the last place in the list of indicators”

While apparently not listing out all the criteria, Vedemosti indicates that there are more economic indicators in the list than “social indicators”.

As mentioned above, the reference to the population assessing the authorities is apparently placed last.

[no link available to English-language translation]
